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Showing posts from September, 2017

Why sacking nurses is a bad idea.

In Kenya, nurses provide a bulk of  direct patient care  at all levels of health .  These services include but not  limited to preventive and  curative. The nursing council of  Kenya  (NCK)  is mandated to set standards  for education and pra ctice of nurses (he althcare workforce report) .  Kenya has 30, 243 nurses currently  practising .  This means t hat  for every 10 000  people  there are 8.3 nurses.  This is way below the WHO recommended ratio.  In  Taita   Taveta ,   only 5 nurses take care of 10 000  people.  This not only leads to burnout  but also the deterioration of services being offered. With  the small salaries and the huge responsibili ties  coupled with burnout being  experienced by the nurses, it is now common to find many nurses leaving the country for other places with better enumeration.  This further worsens a bad situation.  If the  county  governments sack the nurses as they have continued  to th reaten them, then the  health sector ri sks getting in